Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Fun and Festive Gingerbread Houses!

The children absolutely LOVED making these gingerbread houses! They started with an empty milk carton, 4 square graham crackers, 2 rectangle graham crackers, some frosting, and a whole lot of candy! It was incredible to watch these little ones build their houses and create holiday magic, all while resisting the urge to eat all the candy!! Great job preschoolers!! 

Caroline, Avery, Gabrielle, Michael, Landon, and Bella take a break to smile at the camera!

Gabby, Ryan, Leanne, Nora, Hayden, and Gabriella show their excitement as they create their houses!

Hard at work!

Who needs a napkin when you can just lick your frosting??

Emily, Mia, and Sophia concentrating hard on building their houses!

Ava, Evamarie, Quinn, Douglas, Aubrey, and Penelope working hard!

Smile for the camera Christopher!

Ava and Penelope making their candy castles!

Penelope proud of her masterpiece!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Singing and Dancing with Mary Beth Maes

The children loved singing and dancing to the music of Mary Beth Maes! She taught us some wonderful songs, and gave everyone some instruments to use! We finished the event by catching and popping bubbles! 

A Visit from Firefighter Kelson

We were so lucky to have had Firefighter Kelson from the Middleton Fire Department come in and talk to us about fire safety. We practiced "stop, drop, cover, and roll", and got to see his full uniform, complete with helmet and mask! The children asked wonderful questions and had great comments to share! 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

First Weeks of Preschool

These first few weeks of Preschool have been fun, exciting, and we've already learned so much!! It has been such a blast getting to know each and every child! We see friendships starting, and continuing to bloom each day, and lots of friends learning the basic preschool routines!