Monthly Newsletter

May 2019

Preschool Graduation
(for children going to Kindergarten)

Friday, June 7th at 11:15
As much as I do not wish to send my preschool friends off to Kindergarten, they are ready and excited to graduate Preschool!

Our graduation will be held in our classroom, and will be from 11:15-12:00. Children who are signed up for the Extended Day program may still stay after the graduation. This is not our last day of school! We will still have school until June 14 (yay!). 

This and That: 
This month we will be talking about growing and changing. Topics will include butterflies, frogs, flowers, and ourselves! If you haven’t already, please send in a baby picture of your child so that we can compare each child then and now! Thanks!

What We’re Learning:
Themes: Growing and changing 
Literacy: Letter review; Letter/sound correspondence; Review segmenting multi-syllable words; Recognize last name
Language: Predictions; Identify 3 words with same beginning sound
Math: Pattern review; Graphing
Concepts: Months; Time of day
Fine Motor: Cut out complex picture; Zip, snap, button
Social Emotional: Give name, age, birth month, parents’ names, city, & state

Science: Plants & animal life cycles

Important Dates:
Wednesday, May 8- Kindergarten Information night at Fuller Meadow School
Friday, May 10- Book orders due

Monday, May 27- No school (Memorial Day)

1 comment:

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