Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Morning Meeting with Mrs. Week's 4th Grade Class

The children are having so much fun joining Mrs. Week's 4th grade class for their morning meeting. We've learned a couple of new songs, get to sing and dance to Baby Shark, and we read stories with the older kids! Thanks 4th graders for letting us join you! 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent - Teacher Conferences

Parent conferences will be held on Thursday, February 7 and Friday, February 8. This is a great time to talk about your child’s progress in the classroom and ask any questions you have after reading through the progress report.
Please visit: to sign up for a date and time for your conference. If you have any questions about the sign-up process or are unable to make it during one of the scheduled times, please email me at